Friday, December 15, 2006

People Watching - European Style

I enjoy people watching. I picked it up from my father. The photo below shows how almost all outdoor cafes are setup throughout Europe. Notice how most of the chairs are facing the sidewalk (which is less than 1 meter away). I particularly like the large cafes that have 20 or more rows of chairs. This setup can make you feel like your on a runway as you walk by. Work it, baby...!!!

Cafe Metropole is in Brussels

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People brings back memories of the WIsconsin State Fair this summer(which incidentally is a perfect place to watch people ie: mullets, attire, apparel..well you get the picture!!) when your dad & I were with a group of our friends walking & dancing to the music down "Main Street" which was coming from a number of directions. (Get the picture...lotsa people!!!) I was especially "moving my hips" as we were walking in the back of the bunch, until someone in back of us(WHO WE DIDN'T KNOW!) tapped me on the shoulder & asked me if I knew that my skirt was stuffed into the back of my panties from behind..ahhhhh I WAS SO EMBARRASSED. This must have happened when the group we were with took a "bathroom break" & never realized I hadn't put myself fully back together again. I wasn't "working it" too much more that nite & the group has not let me forget it..People watching..ahhhh!!! XO Mama R